
The Archangels & The Zeitgeist by Samudro Prem

(圖片說明: 彩油塔羅裡的大天使組)

(圖片說明: B113及B114是2015年誕生的大天使瓶)

On going education for Aura-Soma students & practitioner 
 -no certificate but count the hours attended for renew the practitioner certificate

The Archangels & The Zeitgeist (the spirit of modern times):
the sequence of the Archangeloi as revealed though the Aura-Soma ® Colour System

Ever since the first bottle of the Aura-Soma Archangel Series was born on 01 December 1995, each of the Archangel bottles can be linked to events occurring in the global collective consciousness. Bottle 94, Archangel Michael, was born the day after USA President Bill Clinton visited Northern Ireland as part of the beginning of a lasting peace process. As modern humanity is on the verge of the dawning of a new global consciousness, Aura-Soma is helping us in this transition through a transmission of a spiritual message as symbolised by archangels. As such Archangel Michael’s message is an offering of peace that requires humanity to surrendered its ego-based will and listen to the higher will of brotherly love and peace.

Although the mention of the term ‘archangel’ may invoke a religious connotation, the Aura-Soma system advocates a neutral and non-biased philosophy that is not linked to any one particular religion or culture. Similar to the previously born set of Master bottles, the Archangels bottles can be interpreted on several levels with the traditional religious story representing the spiritual level. They can also be interpreted simply through the colours present in the Equilibrium bottle as well as through the numerology. As with other Aura-Soma bottles additional interpretations can come from the associated tarot card, where applicable, and the position on the Tree of Life. Thus the Archangel bottles have the additional information from the spiritual or archetypal level and from the world events from the time they enter our world.

The Archangels can also be seen to represent archetypes. The term archetype refers to an image present in the collective unconscious of humanity that conveys a message through its story. It is also possible for individuals to experience the archangels as actual spiritual beings that maybe be contacted through invocation, with Aura-Soma Equilibrium and Essences facilitating a communication. Thus, in the typical Aura-Soma style, we are not limited to one belief or one method of interpretation. Aura-Soma Practitioners learn to expand their consultation skills through learning multiple methods of interpretation so that they can help more clients.

In this Aura-Soma On-going Education Course, we will focus on the interpretation of collective global events that occurred before and after each Archangel bottle was born. Bottle 102 is the most well known to have been born in response to a specific world event, namely the 9/11 terrorist act in New York. All the other Archangel bottles can also be linked to collective events with their colours guiding us to understand the spiritual message that humanity could listen to and learn from. It is then an artful skill to translate the global event into a meaningful interpretation for the client choosing their bottles as a reflection of their own life lessons. Thus when a client chooses B102 in their four bottles selection, the mention of the 9/11 events serves as an entry into an examination of the clients life situation especially on themes such as: hope and despair, division and unity, leadership and love, forgiveness and renewal. 

Course Teacher

Samudro Prem is Director of the Osho Energy Transformation Institute and an Osho Therapist since 1987, he has been an Aura-Soma Teacher since 2002 and giving the Aura-Soma course and consultation in all the years. 

Course Fee:

HK$3300 (for non Aura-Soma Students & Practitioner)
HK$2900 (for Aura-Soma Students & Practitioner, please give the student ID number for reference)


